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The EOC collaborates with St Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology in regards to the spiritual formation and learning for its potential future clergy and interested lay people. The courses can be undertaken irregardless of ecclesial background. The diploma of Orthodox Theology is a good preparation and compliment for men who are anticipating ordination to the deaconate and the priesthood and women who are preparing themselves for the diaconate or other ministry within the EOC communion of churches. The courses are available by correspondence/online but must be administered and overseen by a local EOC bishop (mentor) and in conjuction with the liturgical life of a local EOC church if the aim is to be ordained within the EOC communion of churches. If you are interested in connecting with the EOC communion of churches don't hesitate to do so through the contact information provided in the registration form. Please see the PDF documents below for detailed information about the courses. 


The Evangelical Orthodox Church Pastoral and Theological Training program, partially facilitated through St Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology, exists to serve all its parishes for the purpose of preparing and training men and women for leadership roles in the church through holistic evangelical orthodox Christian education and spiritual development in a manner consistent with the EOC's common mission and polity.


In this way, the Academy prepares students for ministry as bishops, priests, deacons, lay leaders, monastics, and scholars so that they may plant and build up church communities, foster Church growth through mission and evagelism, teach the orthodox Christian faith, and care for those in need.

Stained Glass


"With God's help and with the guidence of the Holy Spirit, the EOC course of theology and pastoral care aspires to produce theologically knowledgeable, spiritually devotional, and pastorally practical servant - leaders to, if God wills, carry the EOC successfully into the future as a vital communion." 


- To believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to adhere    to His commandments, as expressed in the life and       teachings of the Evangelical Orthodox Church. 

- To acknowledge our responsibility to communicate        evangelical orthodox Christianity to the world and to    invite all to partake of the fullness of the faith. 

- To take a holistic approach to theological education        and spiritual formation - integrating study, work,          worship and personal discipline. 

- To manifest orthodox Christian love, service,                    worship, and learning in the life of the seminary            community.

- To teach the the critical appropriation of the                    orthodox Christian Tradition in order to proclaim the    unchanging gospel in a manner relevant for today        and tomorrow.

- To be commited to Christian unity and cooperation at    all levels of Church life and with other Christian            communities. 

- To be open, transparent, and responsible stewards of      the resources entrusted to us.

- To model for our students and to expect from them        integrity of character and work ethic characterized        by consistent and honest communication, good              order, and informed, wise decision - making through    godly counsel and under the oversight and                      governance of the EOC synod of bishops. 

- To encourage every member of the seminary                    community to be a full and active participant in the      Seminary's mission.

- To aspire to excellence through continuous and              ongoing improvement.

- To be committed to fairness, respect, and hospitality      for all members of the seminary community.  



The EOC follows the ancient methodology of catechism, questions and answers from a instructor to a student when we teach and learn about the faith. Catechism takes place in the local church usually either in the teenage years or when someone wants to join the church. The active instruction and lessons lasts 6 months  - 2 years. The process of learning about the faith lasts a lifetime. 


Catechism offers both a physical and spiritual place to grow in our faith. We can ask questions, wrestle with things that are hard to understand and unlock creativity that may bring clarity. All questions are valid as long as they are posed with sincerity. 


If a person has received the gospel of Christ and, after being among us for a while, wants to become a member of our communion, they would be taken through the catechism class. This will orient them to what we believe but also, maybe more importantly, help them get to know the people they are joining on this journey. At the end of catechism, if they desire to become a member, they will be received into the local church through chrismation if they have already been baptized in the name of the Trinity, or they will be baptized and chrismated. 

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