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As the embodiment of Christ in the world today we aim to remain true to that identity. We desire our actions to reflect the reality of being part of Christ's body and as such, part of Gods family. In the 40+ year old history of our parish that has always been our desire. We realize that we are broken, but in our brokenness we are seeking the One True Physician, Christ. He continually heals us on the journey in and towards eternal peace in His Kingdom.


Holy Covenant was and is established by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.  The local parish of Holy Covenant in Saskatoon, came to life in 1977 and  is a member of the Evangelical Orthodox Church. The Evangelical Orthodox Church is a part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the body of Christ. Currently it is the only parish in Canada. Through the years her calling has been tested by increase and decrease in congregational numbers (currently 50), by blessings and hurts, by weakness and strength. Still her calling holds true.


- Her pastoral calling to restore, revive and remember the broken in the world.

- Her royal calling, to reveal the presence and arrival of the Kingdom of heaven.

- Her prophetic calling of repentance and reconciliation. Reminding the body of

  Christ that communion in the Church is founded in the Father, revealed in the Son

  through the Holy Spirit.


The vision statement that we are currently working on to implement and follow is to:


- reflect the love of God to those around us, no matter class, creed or race.

(John 13:35; 1 Cor 13; Galatians 3:28)


- bridge Eastern and Western Christianity, recommending the virtues of each to the other.

(1 Corinthians 12; John 17:6-26; Phillipians 4:8)


- emulate and encourage the existence and growth of the family.

(Ephesians 2:19 - 22; 1 Corinthians 12:12 – 14; Acts 2:42-47)


- teach and practice the Christian faith handed down throughout the ages.

(Jude 1:3; Deuteronomy 6:6-7)


- be a place of peace, healing & thanksgiving.

(2 Corinthians 13:11; Psalm 69:30; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; James 5:13 – 16)


We do this by regular services, pastoral work and visitation, administering the sacraments, establishing and nurturing relationships with other churches and ministries as well as with people near and far. Holy Covenant is a vital and active parish with many ways to engage and connect. The Church facilities are used by external groups on a regular basis and the Church is an integral part of the neighbourhood. 


Holy Covenant is currently served by 6 clergy. Under the oversight of Bp. Jakob Palm, fr. Ruben Guenter, fr. Al Rung, Dcn. Christopher Babyak,Dcn. Aaron Munro, the members of the parish is administered too. Bishop em, Jerold Gliege resides in the parish as well.


We invite anyone, burdened, hungry, thirsty, alone or just curios, anyone seeking the help of Christ to come and experience the healing power He provides through the Holy Spirit.


Wednesday morning prayers 7 am

Sunday Divine Liturgy 10 am



Bp. Jakob Palm

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